Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rick Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Greg T. Walker Vocals

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Greg T. Walker Bass
Electric Bass (finger]

Jakson Spires Drums
Well Yeah Yeah Yeah O-h Yeah One of these mornings it won't be long Captains gon-na call and I'll be gone I'll be nine hun-dred miles a-way from home Well you can count the days I'm gone you can tell the train I'm o-o-n you can hear the whi-stle blow as she ro-lls by she ro-lls by she rolls by you can hear the whistle blow she ro-lls by my ol-den way now now now now now now a gui-tar Well if my ma-ma she says so I'-ll rail-ro-ad no-m-or-e I'-ll side track my train and go h-o-m-e an-d go home and go home side track my train and g-o-o-o home one more time If I di-e a rail-road man want to be buried in the s-a-nd so I can hear old Number nine as she ro-lls by she ro-lls by she rolls by hear ol-d Num-ber nine as she rolls by-y-y-y ye-a-ah oh oh oh sh-o-es are worn my ol-den clothes are t-o-r-n and I hate to go home now this a w-a-y th-is a-way this a way I hate to go home now this a-a